Category: General

Thom Hofman

Wings Out, Thom.

I found out this morning that a good friend, Thom Hofman, who wrote the Daddy, Medium Well blog, passed away. Hours after finding out, the denial-fueled shock is still laying atop me, like a...

Back in Business

I realized yesterday that it was officially one year since my last post on this site. Man this past year has flown by! Unintentionally, I took a year-long break from blogging and a lot...

On Busy Days and Misery

Looking back at my childhood, I don’t remember my parents ever being as busy with life stuff, as my wife and I find ourselves. My parents were both present, both held down full-time jobs,...

The Ulysses Bucket List

Do You Have a Ulysses Bucket List?

I stumbled across a thread on Reddit where someone posed the question, “What story have you been dying to tell?” It seemed simple enough and I read through many of the responses and just...

Dad 2.0 Summit

My Dad 2.0 Summit Survival Guide

I attended my first Dad 2.0 Summit in San Francisco, CA, last year (2015). I’ve never really had the opportunity to attend a convention so going to something like Dad 2.0 was a mind-blowing...