Being a #HealthyDad Means Being Prepared for Life’s ‘Oopsies’!
Let me fill you in on a not-so-secret secret: Children hurt themselves.
A lot.
Like, all the time!
Even when they’re not busy hurting themselves, their own pint-sized body sometimes tries to go rogue on them. Being a #HealthyDad means making sure your family – especially your children – are protected, should something happen to them. And that means my wife and I have made it a priority to always make sure that our children have had adequate health insurance.
I know, I know. You’re thinking, “But, Dan! Health insurance is usually expensive,” and, “Won’t I just be throwing away money every month?” Before I lose you, consider these fascinating statistics that our children alone have accumulated over the past 10 years or so:
- 2 fractured wrists
- 1 broken arm which required surgery
- 1 fractured ankle
- 1 Adenoid surgery
- 2 sets of forehead stitches
- 1 failed rock climbing attempt during a camping trip
- Approximately 10 Emergency Room visits
- Allergy tests, resulting in a handful of prescriptions
Imagine having to pay for all of that out of your own pocket! If it hadn’t have been for their insurance coverage (coincidentally, given the sponsor of #HealthyDads) through Anthem Blue Cross, my wife and I likely would have gone bankrupt. Here’s the best part, though, as if Anthem Blue Cross insurance didn’t already give us the confidence we needed, they went ahead and made themselves even more worthwhile, with services like LiveHealth Online.
With LiveHealth Online, doctors are available 24/7 to handle acute conditions, worsening of chronic conditions, triage, refills and general advice. They can review your personal medical history, answer questions, diagnose and work toward treating certain conditions, even when you’re not physically in the doctor’s office. Depending on your state and the circumstances, doctors can even send prescriptions directly to a nearby pharmacy. Your online doctors can look out for commonly treated conditions like colds, minor rashes, allergies, diarrhea, ear pain, fever, flu, headache, and pink eye, and much more.
To learn more about LiveHealth Online, visit You can register by downloading the app from iTunes or Google Play store and signing-up in one quick step.
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This post was sponsored by Anthem Blue Cross and XY Media Group and, while I am compensated for this post, my views here are based solely on my experience as a parent. In case you were wondering, I am not a medical professional.
Photo Credit: Taber Andrew Bain